My goal is to provide the best service available for your Lectrosonics gear.
- Lectrosonics Factory trained
- Lectrosonics Factory Authorized repair
- We have been incorporated since 1982
- We have been in the Broadcast RF Business 30 Years
- RF Engineering & Consulting
- RF mic system integration
- Frequency coordination
- System stage gain analysis
- Base line level and frequencies in use graphed via spectrum and VNA analyzer

Alert, as of 3-10-2020 we clean all incoming units with alcohol and UV Sanitizer. EMS,EMT, First responders Call if you need repairs In the field Fridays, Available on the phone.

Battery Issue
I often receive calls claiming the unit repaired “eats” battery’s and they only last 1-2 hours. After further investigation (multiple times) turns out user has old stock. Mainly with 9v batteries. In our experience energizers last longer (5 hours+) If your “use before date” is not for at least 3 years it’s old stock.

Have you Served?
If you have served in the Military, EMS, Coast Guard, First responder please call. You may be eligible for a discount. TV stations not eligible.

Jaycee Comms Inc
We are Factory Warranty and repair service center ALERT UCR411A users, special Firmware walk-in updates, special price, please call for details. We are Fanatics too.